Zoosk UX Team Blog

The Zoosk UX Team now has it’s very own blog! In our first post, we discuss our design principles. Good designs, to us, are:

Clear and familiar
When things are easy and intuitive, people are comfortable and free to enjoy themselves. Clear and consistent experiences help Zoosk’s members become experts at using our products so they develop positive associations with us and keep coming back.

Friendly and delightful
Zoosk is a friendly assistant that makes dating easy, not hard work. Small surprises, gifts, and playful experiences help our members enjoy themselves more. By deviating from the expected patterns used by other sites and apps, we create a sense of discovery and delight in our products.

Honest and trustworthy
People seek out trustworthy authorities to guide their actions. By creating experiences that reassure our members and instill confidence, we’re ensuring that they’ll stick with our products, follow our recommendations, and make purchases.

Motivating and Persuasive
Exclusive offers, rewards, and feedback are all ways we can motivate our members to develop positive behaviors. Building persuasive features into the interface that are easy, relevant, and trustworthy guides Zoosk’s members towards decisions that are consistent with our business goals.



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